We performed multiple extractions at the upper jaw with a severe periodontitis. At the same time we placed TMR implants by BioHorizons and we lifted the right maxillary sinus. We used cortical MinerOss mixed with PRF.
We performed multiple extractions at the upper jaw with a severe periodontitis. At the same time we placed TMR implants by BioHorizons and we lifted the right maxillary sinus. We used cortical MinerOss mixed with PRF.
We removed three posterior implants placed for the rehabilitation of one molar. With a severe bone loss and granulation tissue was founded that zone.
At the same time we placed three ISII Neobiotech implants. We founded excellent primary stability despite the thin wall of the sinus floor.
Bilateral sinus lift and nasal lift are the selected procedures for this big atrophy. We used puros CORTICAL as the allograft combined with PRF. As the occlusive membrane we used Biomend.
n a posterior surgery we will place six implants ante lateral posterior zone.
We lifted the right maxillary sinus floor with a lateral approach. During the osteotomy we found the posterior superior alveolar artery. We avoided it working inferiorly.
We created a absorbable wall with Collacote membrane and we filled with Puros Allograft mixed with PRF. We covered the graft and the window with PRF membrane.
Paciente desdentado total, con atrofia mórbida del maxilar superior y neumatización avanzada bilateral. Se utiliza para su reconstrucción un nuevo protocolo mediante membranas reabsorvibles de ácido poliláctico LD y tornillos del mismo material que se soldan al hueso y la membrana como medio de fijación.