In this case a great vertical and horizontal resorption is present. We treated the defect with BoxTechnique and Puros Cortical plus L PRF.
In this case a great vertical and horizontal resorption is present. We treated the defect with BoxTechnique and Puros Cortical plus L PRF.
In a previous grafted cleft ridge patient we placed two TMT implants (trabecular metal). We modified the soft tissue and bone biotype with GOR. We used Puros as an allograft and a CopiOs membrane as a barrier.
Big maxillary atrophy treated with a simultaneus Box Technique and we placed five implants. After six months , we founded a nice alveolar ridge at the pre maxilla area. The new bone formation allowed to instal the sixth implant. At this moment the case is showing the six upper implants connected with a nice tissue healing . We are working in the final fixed prosthesis .